

  • Strict regularity, implicit obedience, courtesy in speech and conduct, cleanliness of uniform and person are expected of every pupil. Pupils must strictly conform to the regulations laid down in this regard.

  • All students should affix his/her photograph and fil personal data signed by the parents in the space provided in the Almanac.

  • All students must be possess a copy of the college calendar data signed by the parents in the space provided in Almanac.

  • Students must converse in English in the college premises to give command and fluency over the language.

  • Students are not allowed to visit the staff-room without the permission of the staff/Principal.

  • Articles found in the college are to be handed over to the principal’s office.

  • Fines may be imposed by the principal for irregularity. Indiscipline or damage to the college property and misuse of lab equipment and chemicals.

  • No valuable articles/mobile phones/ periodicals/ books or money, digital watched are allowed in the college articles. Students are expected to look after their own belongings carefully. The parents are requested not to send the ward with money or costly articles.

  • Students are responsible to the college authorities not only for their conduct in the college but also for their general behavior outside. Any reported or objectionable conduct on the part of the students makes them liable for the disciplinary action.

  • No student shall indulge in rowdyism busting of crackers, rude behavior in the college campus or outside.

  • The principal may punish a student in a manner suited to the offence e.g., by expulsion/suspension from the institution.

  • All students must take part in drill and outdoor games. Students who can’t do so on grounds of ill health should produce a proper medical certificate duly signed by the C.M.O.

  • Student must obey class monitors, Houses captain, Students volunteers, appointed by the principal/teacher to maintain discipline and good order.

  • Change of classroom between the periods should be done in silence and in an orderly manner.

  • Smoking or any form of gambling. Students caught such acts will be severely dealt with leading even upto suspension and dismissal from the college.