A Happy School

Happiness is seeing the smile of a child's face as they learn

Our School consciously works as creating a happy environment, where each child feel safe, understood and valued.

Our kindergarten experience sets the best foundation of our child's educational journey by providing meaningful experience that expend the child's thinking, activities that foaster the love for learning and interaction that help student build positive connections.

Deeply caring and involved staff members encourage to explore the world around them and fuel their sense of wonder and inquisitiveness. In a space that fosters equality and recognizes each child who he/she is, our children bloom to became confident learners.

Kinder Garten

This is the place where we learn , play and grow together

Our Kindergarten program provides a safe and supporting place for your child to explore their capacity for learning through play

Children learn at different rates in different ways and at different times.The Hartman kindergarten programme is designed to enhance the strengths, interest and skills of each indivisual child

It also provides an oppornuity for your child to learn about their world alongside other children.Each learning outcome is targated to develop the kind of knowledge and skills,Children need to be confident and happy through their lives.


Your child will develop a range of life skills, including

  • Working with others in a group by listening to, and respecting the ideas of others.
  • Sharing and handling conflicts with other children.
  • Building self awareness and confidence through play-based exploration
  • Developing new relationships with adults
  • Making new friends.

Your child will have the opportuinity to

  • Develop independence by taking part in the routines of the program.
  • Extend their vocabulary and communication skills.
  • Develop & enhence their reading and writing skills.
  • Begin to explore numeracy and science
  • Develop future learning and enquiry skills by exploring different ways of learning and problem solving.