Community Members



A child's world is a beautiful yet mysterious tapestry made up of a multitude of hopes and aspirations dyed in incandescent colours of thoughts and deeds. Their world is very much influenced by the school environment as they spend most of their childhood in school. Thus, schooling has the greatest influence on individuals life. It should enable the child to blossom into a well-balanced person, healthy in mind and spirit. Early childhood learning is crucial to later success in school and life. Choosing your child's school is one of the most important responsibilities of parent. The right school can make a world of differences to future opportunities and happiness.

A child's world is a beautiful yet mysterious tapestry made up of a multitude of hopes and aspirations dyed in incandescent colours of thoughts and deeds. Their world is very much influenced by the school environment as they spend most of their childhood in school. Thus, schooling has the greatest influence on individuals life. It should enable the child to blossom into a well-balanced person, healthy in mind and spirit. Early childhood learning is crucial to later success in school and life. Choosing your child's school is one of the most important responsibilities of parent. The right school can make a world of differences to future opportunities and happiness.

The early years provide the first introduction of the child to school and learning. The Kindergarten experience develops in the child a word new that guides her for interaction with the physical and social world. The warm and caring environment of the Hartmann Kindergarten provides its students an all- round educational plan. A child is achieving one growth milestone after another and growing by leaps and bounds. The brain of child is also growing at a very fast pace which is why it becomes essential to lay a strong foundation in the formative years. The groundwork for good school performance begins early in life, long before children enter formal school. Children in their early years need time to play and be physically active. They need to be provided. with constructive and holistic learning environment where their curiosity is fed not just by way of knowledge but positive experiences.

On behalf of management and staff I invite you all to learn more about Hartmann Kindergarten. The institution has always tried to combine academic excellence with the inner enfoldment of the student's personality. I believe each child is unique and has tremendous potential to learn. It is our responsibility as teachers and parents to mould them into a flawless, zealous and victorious citizen. I extend my warm wishes to the Principal, staff and students to continue this journey on the road to excellence.

Thank you for embarking on this beautiful journey.

Fr. Dr. Herman Minj
(Community Members)